Put your brand in a shopping centre of

Sonae Sierra.
  • Retail


  • Advertising


  • Sponsorship


What clients are saying

“In Sonae Shopping centres, food court traffic is very high. The good results are due to the marketing strategies of the centres, which allowed us to promote the areas where our products are located. These results are mainly due to the interest that those centres’ marketing strategies showed in promoting the areas where our product is located.”

Roi Iglesias - Neo Advertising | Advertising | SPAIN

“Activating brands in Sonae Sierra Shopping Centres is important due the high number of potential contacts. The success of the action depends on its location within the centre and on the adequacy of the event provided.”

Bernardo Alegra - Weetabix | Promotional | PORTUGAL

“Science4you has achieved a long term positive involvement in Sonae’s Shopping centres. We obtained the preference of our clients through our Shop Spots, and always ensured that we stood out due to product differentiation and customer support.”

Miguel Pina Martins - Science4You | Retail | PORTUGAL

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